Friday, December 21, 2012

Not an Octopus and a Very Merry Christmas to YOU!

Where has the time gone? 


I’m not an Octopus - I could sure use the extra 6 arms these days.  I feel like these elves (this silly little ornament is at my Mr’s school and each year begs me to take a photo and add some funny captions)  I feel like time is out of control.  So today I protest - put my foot down and just spending an hour with YOU before I sign off for the holidays to enjoy with my family. 

Every time I turned around to post here I found another kind deed to do, another event to take part in, another friend to be spending time with.  Here’s an overview of what I planned to blog (and perhaps will have an opportunity to re-visit in January)

1-Osoyoos Times Concert 2012


Thats my Mr performing at the event my church hosted this past Sunday night.  It was an excellent event, not just bragging here - but it was because of all of the 8 musicians who blessed us with their talents.  We did something unique this year by inviting people from the community to bless us with their own choice of songs so there was great variety of styles!

1-Christmas OCC 2012

Sonny Black performs “Blue Christmas”

We were all treated to everything from Jazz, Rock, Folk and Blues.  We had a full house of 100 people!  Thank you to all those who made this possible and for YOU who braved the very snowy and icy conditions to make it here.  It was totally worth it and we are thinking of repeating this venue around Valentines (I’ll keep you posted!)  Thanks so much to the Osoyoos Times Newspaper for coverage of our event!



One has to go jump around in the snow and stay fit especially when we are busy so my friend Janice and I went “Dashing Through the Snow” on Wednesday. 


I tell Janice - “Suck it up, Buttercup! (or cupcake)”

I have been blessed to mentor to Janice over the past couple of months.  I could not ask for a more wonderful and joyful person to “pour into”.  Janice is a delight to be around.  We do things like pray together - for our church, our lives, our husbands.  We work out. We bake.  We craft.  We learn to be frugal.  A huge part of our time together is marriage oriented and I find as I mentor to her, I’m being mentored back.  I’m a far better one-on-one mentor than any group setting.  I think I can sew more value into one person than groups. 


She ASKED for it!

I like Janice’s terrific sense of humour.  So when she and I wriggled out of a big workout last week at the gym, we only clocked about 3/4 hour at the gym, this week I not only made us run “the loop” (one hour) - I fashioned festive bells for us as an additional audio incentive for our run and I included some hill runs.  I think she actually appreciates my torture!

And by the way, Janice TOTALLY blogged me on her last post as well….

Like Janice, I’m surrounded by good friends, like my friend Mel O who is like a sister to me.  I don’t know how I would have made it through this season without her love, support and help.  I ♥ you with all my heart.

My sister Nina - you rock my world.  You are part of me.

Judy, thank you for all your ♥ and encouragement. 

I thank all my online friends too - you know who you are!  Debbie, I’ve loved hearing your voice in “real life” and Valinda I don’t know what I’d do without your constant companionship online. Janmary and Eileen  and Kelly I could go on and on!

Thank you to the Silhouette Plus Forums, I  LOVE you people and hope to spend loads more time with you in 2013!

1-Hannah Montana Skates

I wanted to blog my Thrift Shop buys, the latest of are these Hannah Montana skates, BRAND SPANKING NEW with the sticker still underneath.  Ok, nobody is going to see them way out here, and besides they were $5 and are way better constructed than my old white ones!

1-Rosehip Tea (6)

I wanted to blog my handmade gifts.  Two of my favourites (which I only just got blended and packaged) are this Rosehip Tea which is made of hand harvested wild rosehips, apple bits, marigold petals,clove, dried pineapple, peach, plum, ginger, lemon and orange zest.

1-Vanilla Sugar (2) 

Vanilla scented sugar!  Its super simple to make this, just takes time for the flavors to meld. 

And I really wanted to share a bit of inspiration with you. So this is what is laid on my heart at this time:

Great blessings belong to those who work to bring peace.
God will call them his sons and daughters.

Matthew 5:9

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

AND I wanted to tell you I’m now listed in the blog directory of FANCY LITTLE THINGS


A warm and wonderful, inspiring and uplifting blog - just click the preview to be transported there.  Why not consider joining up, its FREE and a beautiful place to visit!

ANDANDAND (like one of the kids being annoying and trying to fit it ALL IN AT ONCE) - I am buying Margaret Feinberg’s Wonderstruck book today - its my gift to myself!  If you do one good thing for yourself, this should be it.  I’ve previewed a goodly section and it had the effect of re-awakening my joy!   RIGHT NOW is the time to purchase her book as you will also qualify for $300 worth of “extras”.  Just click HERE to check it!

AND finally. 

I could not leave without blessing YOU, dear blog readers, without giving you a FREE GIFT from my heart to yours!  So I am releasing my Festive Doodles for you to enjoy.  These are for your personal use - they are beautiful “digital stamps” or elements!  These could easily be “traced” for use with your Cameo or Silhouette SD  Enjoy!



Please don’t share the direct download link, but have your friends

come here to download!


personal use only

Blogger Labels: Octopus,Very,Merry,Christmas,Where,photo,foot,event,friend,Here,overview,January,Thats,church,Sonny,Black,Blue,Jazz,Rock,Folk,Blues,Thank,worth,venue,Valentines,Thanks,Osoyoos,Times,Newspaper,coverage,Janice,Through,Suck,Buttercup,mentor,person,marriage,workout,loop,bells,incentive,hill,friends,heart,Nina,world,Judy,encouragement,Debbie,life,Valinda,companionship,Janmary,Silhouette,Plus,LOVE,Thrift,Shop,Hannah,Montana,BRAND,sticker,gifts,Rosehip,zest,Vanilla,sugar,inspiration,Great,peace,Matthew,Easy,Read,Version,directory,FANCY,LITTLE,preview,FREE,ANDANDAND,kids,ONCE,Wonderstruck,gift,Just,Festive,Cameo,Enjoy,DOWNLOAD,captions,musicians,talents,Forums,readers,hour,blog,week,sister,online

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Cute Snowman Card FREEBIE!

SQUEEEE - It’s SNOWING here in Osoyoos!

Time keeps getting away on me….

I have so many posts I’ve written… in my head!  Seems the days keep ripping off of the calendar, I’m sure you can identify. 

I desperately want to share some of the miracles I’ve been experiencing lately in my personal life.  Seems to me ever since I read the first portions of Margaret Feinberg’s newest book Wonderstruck, I’ve become ultra-aware of God’s hand upon my life.  I plan to buy Margaret’s book for myself because she has a SUPER deal on right now which you can find HERE!  I will save my personal posts about the anointing in my life for the very near future but will post a sweet freebie here for you so that you can enjoy it before the opportunity to use this festive freebie is over. 



I “hand painted” this sweet little snowman several years ago in honour of my friend Gina.  I think this feller is the CUTEST guy I’ve painted.  I decided I’d adapt him to be able to cut on the Silhouette.  He is also available in my Archives as a png free download too anytime, just look up at the tabs top of this post. 


I added some black gems onto him for “coal” buttons and I also flicked white acrylic craft paint all over for snow.  I have included a cut for the snow on the base of the card - I used a glitter white paper for this cut and on some versions of this card (because I made a second version of card with a light blue background) I added more acrylic paint in dabbles.  This card is darling in real life! 


Personal Use

svg - png

Blogger Labels: Cute,Snowman,Card,FREEBIE,Ohhh,calendar,life,Margaret,Feinberg,Wonderstruck,SUPER,HERE,friend,Gina,CUTEST,Silhouette,gems,coal,paint,paper,version,background,DOWNLOAD,Personal,miracles,portions,versions,acrylic

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

CHRISTmas Craft Project DIY using Recycled Greeting Cards

I am sneaking in here to share a super quick post - I am filling a few custom card orders today and am looking forward to a wonderful Women’s CHRISTmas get together tomorrow. 

1-1-Osoyoos Craft Fair December 1, 2012_DSC0009

The last craft sale this past weekend was fabulous.  I’m not referring to sales, they were more than the previous weekend, but it was that so many people who visited my table really “got” what I have been doing!   I will share bits over the coming days of the items I had and some reflections. 


1-photo (1)

Card Cut by Debbie at Paper Pulse

I had quite a few people take a nice rest in front of this beautiful card which I created using a cut from Debbie at Paper Pulse.  This cut is really something gorgeous - I liked the dramatic look of the black against white, and had the idea to place a flickery battery operated candle behind the front.  There is a beautiful golden star affixed to the backdrop as well - its obscured by the top of the stable in this photo.  I want to thank Debbie for her generosity and to acknowledge her huge talent! 


Discarded Book and Recycled Greeting Card Garland

This item is one of my own experiments.  I recently found a big fat discarded children’s book at the thrift, Paddington the Bear, to be exact.  It had some damage so was not suitable as a “read” however I felt like I struck treasure.  Firstly, I cut out all the pages with illustrations as they are simply DARLING and I hope to use them for cards in the future.  They are lovely little sketches, just aching to be coloured by hand by me, right? 

Next, I gathered all the CHRISTmas Cards I had about.  I had lots from my own family, but plenty from people who regularly donate to me.  I love how that happens, mention it around and people are really delighted to save for you.  Often they are just ecstatic, saying things like “I just couldn’t bear to throw these out, I’m so glad they will get used for something”  I’m the same, I often sit and read the sentiments and hand penned notes inside and its like a little peek into someone’s life.  So many people use their CHRISTmas  cards as a time to catch up, there is news of births and deaths, joys and sorrows, health issues etc.  It tugs at my heart that each is penned by hand by someone that cared enough to send one.  Thats really something these days of email etc.  So to find a use for these is wonderful!


Discarded Book and Recycled Greeting Card Ornaments

These ornaments are a bit time and labour intensive but SO worth it.  Here’s how I created these items:



used book pages

used greeting cards

sewing machine

crochet cotton




Cut the pages and card graphics out using either a circle cutter, punch or your Silhouette SD, Cameo or Portrait.  I made mine 1.5 inches.  Next, sandwich 6 of the book pages between two pieces of the greeting card circles - I faced them inward so they will show when you fluff your ornament out. 

Run the circles through your sewing machine - for the garland leave about 2 inches of thread between each ornament.  I made my garlands 8 and 10 feet long. 

There is a danger of getting tangled up when doing the garlands, so I opened a door and draped them over.  I felt the thread was not substantial enough so I used some white crochet cotton and ran it along the garland with a line of glue right where the sewn seam was.  Let it dry for a day.

For the ornament I cut a length of crochet cotton and then tied a loop in it to the length I wanted it to hang - then I glued the “tails” along both sides of the sewn seam and ran glue along and dried it for a day. 

When they are completely dry, “fluff” the ornaments out as best as you can by bending the pages about. 

These look so vintage and beautiful .  I think they would be a fabulous way to keep your own family greeting cards, like a tradition.  Also, if you’re newlyweds, this would be a terrific way to make a tangible memento of your first CHRISTmas together!

Thanks for visiting me today! 

Blogger Labels: CHRISTmas,Craft,Project,Cards,custom,card,orders,Women,sale,items,Debbie,Paper,Pulse,battery,backdrop,photo,talent,Book,Garland,item,children,thrift,Paddington,Bear,Often,notes,life,news,health,heart,Thats,Ornaments,worth,Here,machine,cotton,cutter,Silhouette,Cameo,Portrait,danger,door,seam,length,loop,tradition,Also,memento,Thanks,sales,reflections,illustrations,sentiments,deaths,pieces,garlands,feet,weekend,crochet,sewn

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