Yeah, its time to make salsa, baby!
I woke up feeling good yesterday and the sun was shining and I looked forward to the walk to my friend's house so I could look for photo opportunities. I gave myself plenty of latitude in the time department because often a 10 minute walk can easily stretch into 1/2 hour. I found little slices of God all around and my camera was in and out of its bag so often that I should have just left it hanging around my neck. Yes, I was feeling good.

I helped my friend Elaine organize her photos - she wanted to find a system so it would be easy, and also wanted the ablility to make CD's. I got her fixed up right and I will leave the link for the program I recommended below, as today's tip. She and I had a nice cup of tea before I left in the sweetest little yellow and blue teapot - isn't there something extra special about tea with a good friend? As I was leaving, she prompted me to turn around as I was leaving... and pointed out that I had a nice length of toilet paper fluttering out of the back of my shorts. LOL... all of a sudden you instant replay your entire mornings walk back in your head to wonder if anyone else noticed. How totally embarassing. C'mon - I want to hear your stories, you've got to have one. I remember one time my Gramma told me that as she was heading out for an event that she grabbed her hairspray, not knowing it was RAID... well, she said she was not bothered by bugs all day... he he.

I also took a side trip to the thrift store... and came home with four of the the most adorable teapots - hey, I was still warm and fuzzy from my tea with Elaine, and my friend Gina is the Tea Queen... how could I not?
I was cruising the net this morning and came across a video of Bindi giving tribute to her Dad, Steve Irwin and its worth the time to go see it. You can view it HERE - what a little sweetie - so brave and articulate. It will be awesome to watch what she does with her future.
Organize your Photos
You need PICASA if you don't already have it. It's free and its easy and has some great features. If you already have PICASA you might be interested to know there is a new version out now, that also allows you to do web albums - and its so so easy to use. If you are a novice computer user you will appreciate some of the wonderful small fixes you can do in it. You can organize easily and watch slideshows full screen. PICASA is put out by GOOGLE and is rich in features.
thanks for the hint on Picasa...will give a try..nice teapots....and great camera..awesome