click on the picture to see it larger!
I created this poster for a friend, for her cousin who is the victim of a hit and run car accident. We are praying for and counting him coming out of his coma. This poster will print to 12 x 18 inches and will hang where he can see it easily, to remind him we are all hoping for him for a good recovery! My friend who asked me to create this said he liked eclectic things...so included a whole wack of things...so now comes the fun part hey? To give tribute for everything I've used in this layout. Here goes:
Papers: Michelle Coleman, MCO Colorhappy KitElements: pink flower, hunibuni @ SBBgreen flower, Kim Christensenship, Ronnie McCray, Maritime Kitbuttons - various, Ronna Penner @ SBBbow - gold, Nikki @SBBcool cool block and ring with thingies, Ali Chico Mini Kit @ SBBpaperclip, staple, star, stitches, blue ribbons, Charlene Runge @ SBB
Thanks again Barb ... Here's the link to the detail of how it happend. Don't drink & drive, they say!
this one is beautiful Barb ...I am sure he can feel the love and prayers ..has it hangs on the wall by his bedside. way to go girl