Its the first week of our Spring Break from school. This first week may do just that - break us! Miles has several websites in the fire at the moment...and I've finally faced the fact that I don't like doing webstuff. I do like creating graphics and there are many other things I not only like but also excel at. In the meantime he's feeling very alone in his arduous work. On the other hand I have been working on some things around the house to help with what I do best. I've made this huge list on my desktop of chores and believe it or not, the list is slowly decreasing! One thing that was a big relief was unloading our old bikes. We've had some terrific adventures on our bikes in the past but for the past year they remained chained up outside, unused. Miles bike in particular had perpetual flat-tire syndrome due to a noxious weed we have here called Puncture Vine. You can find more about it here: http://www.lib.ksu.edu/wildflower/puncture.html
The bikes have also deteriorated with the elements and we finally faced the reality (after consulting bike repair places) that it may be cheaper for us to buy new bikes than have ours fixed. We only need basic bikes to travel with, can buy them for $100 at Walmart or Canadian Tire. If we have cheap ones it won't be so bad if they get stolen on our vacations.
On Sunday our church held a special dinner. I did not realize our church family is very small, only around 30 people (though there are always more present for services) Our tiny church is doing BIG things. We already have a satellite church over in Rock Creek going - a Cowboy Church. We have several exciting ministries, but most important of all - our church body is a true family. It gives me a warm feeling to be part of this group. There were many presentations that night and I recieved recognition and a rose, and it really moved me.
I best get busy and tackle a few more things on my BIG LIST! Miles and I have some SPECIAL PLANS for next week and the list will not be getting accomplished then! Have a great day!
You deserved that rose barb. You are truly an amazing lady and I adore you for all that you do :) Thanks for the candles and so on. I've got special plans for those. You ROck!