It may not look like much. Marvel Comics would not seek me out just yet, but its a milestone for me. This is a drawing using VECTORS. Vectors are lines that you draw in certain software programs. They will not degrade in quality if you have to enlarge them. If you've ever looked at a children's coloring book, chances are they are vector lines. Making them is a challenge, and a big learning curve is involved. Miles is currently working on a website - one that will be a true showcase of his talent as a web designer and he has asked me to make some illustrations using vectors to create some downloadable coloring pages, as well as some drawings that could be used to create a simple animaton.
I had downloaded a program a few months ago, a program which has a new tool called a b-spline on it. The company said that the b-spline would be a useful new implement to make smooth lines, and I determined that THIS was the program I wanted to use. Miles has been impressed at my determination and sheer 'doggedness' (stubborness, really) to learn. I have noticed him donning his earphones a few times through my ramblings and tirades. I won't even check if he is actually listening to music or just 'cancelling' me out.
I think it will be interesting from here, and I will keep you all posted.
The other things that have kept me 'glued' are my newly paid membership at Scrapbook-bytes.com It was a Valentines gift from my friend Sonya - who lives in California. Sonya and I have been friends on the internet for over a year now, and she and I visit almost daily. I almost cried on my graphics tablet when i got the notice that she paid my subscription. Wuv U Son!
My other new toy is a full version of ArtRage. Miles bought it for me and I am currently working on a pastel portrait of him. Wow, its hard to create a likeness of someone you know and love. He's stopped giving me loving feedback so that his head stays on his neck. I want to be meek and graceful but its not working. I want my first complete painting to be of him, then I will display the rest of my 'stuff' for you all to see.
Miles has just printed off some of our photographs. We are entering some into the next art show at the gallery, opening March 3rd. He's also working on several websites and I will give links when they are complete...
Please leave me a comment if you can!
Good stuff Barb! I just know you are going to find your groove in no time and you are going to be pumping out avatars to your heart's content! Can't wait to see all the good things that you do! What an incredible talent the Lord has blessed you with!!!~G