January is blah in the sense there is nothing 'big' to look forward to. Maybe I should consider moving my birthday up to January? Instead, I take joy in the small things. One of the very nicest things of all, was my dear friend Janice bringing her mom over to meet me. Ruth is a bright, interesting and engaging person and I enjoyed her company. I also thank her for sharing her daughter! We all three had a wonderful day together playing with the computer painting program. Ruth ended up creating a lovely picture which she emailed off to herself.
We had a quick and fun visit with Barry, Judy and Melissa from Thursday evening to Friday Evening. It was a crash course in all our computer interests with a big meal and a sleep thrown in.
The other fun I've had is playing with a miniature muffin maker. We had been given it some time ago, but this was the first attempt with it. I the first batch I made some spicy pepperoni ones with roasted pine nuts. The recipe gave some variations, but did not call to cut back on the sugar so I didn't - big mistake. However, the next batch I made was a sorta hawaain recipe...pineapple, coconut, the works...they were terrific! So thats how I've been bringing sunshine in!
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